Want To Help Your Maid Service? Use These Tricks To Clean Items That Don't Get Much Attention
Posted on: 18 June 2015
If you love having a maid service, then you probably want to do everything you can to help these professionals out, so that they want to continue to come back. While you depend on this service to clean the majority of your home, there are some tasks that you can do to make their job easier. Here are three quick tricks you can do to save your maid service some time that they could be spending on other cleaning projects around your home.
Crush Ice With the Garbage Disposal
Keep your garbage disposal blades sharp and clean by running ice cubes through it. It might make a lot of noise, but once the blades chop up the ice, stuck-on food debris loosens, allowing you to simply wash it down the drain with running water.
Grab some orange peels and throw them down the disposal along with the ice to provide a fresh citrus scent in your kitchen.
Soak Up Leaky Trash With Newspaper
If you're like most people, you might try to find a way to reuse your daily newspaper. In fact, you may even instruct your cleaning service to use them when cleaning the windows. However, you can make their job much easier by lining the bottom of your trashcan with them.
Simply place a few layers of newspaper in the bottom of the can before you insert the bag. If any portion of the trash leaks through the bag through an inadvertent hole, the newspaper will soak it up. Your maid service can then just remove the newspaper, and wipe out the bottom of the can, instead of scrubbing stuck-on liquid stains.
Remove Scuffs on Vinyl Floor With Baking Soda
Since most cleaning professionals take pride in how they are able to make your floors shine, help them out by getting rid of scuffs.
Wet a sponge and add a little baking soda and then rub out the scuff. Wipe up the baking soda with a clean wet sponge.
With the scuffs gone, the maid service can concentrate more on making your floors shine instead of spending time getting rid of scuffs.
Do what you can to help your maid service give you the best possible service they can. Ask them if there are other tasks that they prefer you do on your own, and add that your weekly or monthly list of things to do. Before you know it, your home will be the cleanest in the neighborhood and your cleaning professionals will look forward to making their weekly or bi-weekly visits.