Achieving Streak-Free Windows during Your Spring Cleaning

Posted on: 26 May 2015

Windows are some of the features of any home. When they're dirty, dusty, or streaked, they can make even a clean home look poorly maintained. Yet many homeowners struggle with the perfect streak-free shine, especially in areas that are high traffic or have fine dust like silt. Next time you're doing a whole house clean, you might want to consider these tips to reduce streaks. Use a Glass Cleaner with Ammonia
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How To Spot And Remove Mold In Your Home

Posted on: 25 May 2015

Mold can pose health risks to those in your home, and it can cause damage to the structure of your home if it's allowed to spread. This is why it's important for you to always be on the lookout for mold. The sooner you get rid of any mold, the better off your family and your home will be. This article will teach you how to find mold around your home and help you get rid of it.
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Easy Ways To Get Rid Of Fleas In Your Carpeting

Posted on: 25 May 2015

If you have cats or dogs, or both, you will likely battle a flea infestation at some point, especially during warm summer months. Not only will you have to get rid of the fleas on your pets, you'll also have to kill all of the fleas and eggs in your home as well. Although fleas tend to spend most of their time on the animals, they can fall off and burrow into carpeting, furniture cushions, or any other place the pets spend their time.
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Benefits Of Hiring A Professional Cleaning Company For Your Small Business

Posted on: 22 May 2015

If you have a small business, you might think that you don't need to hire a professional cleaning service to keep your office clean. After all, having a contract with a cleaning service is just one more bill that your company has to pay. However, hiring a professional cleaning service has several benefits, even for small offices. Saves Time and Money Relying on your own staff to keep your office clean means that your employees have to take time away from their work to clean.
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